St. Patrick School of Santo Domingo, with its holistic conception of education, values all areas of development. We offer a complete educational program that promotes academic excellence, based on a broad curriculum which emphasizes on strengthening skills and acquiring concepts in the different areas of development. It is precisely the curriculum which is used a s a conducting thread providing the guidelines to our educational practice and framing our moments of instruction. Even though each subject has a main resource book, we firmly believe in using a wider range of resources to obtain information and investigate; analyzing through critical thinking and comparing different points of view from different authors.
We work with an American type curriculum, never losing sight of our Dominican culture creating consciousness of the rights and responsibilities of every individual, highlighting patriotism. St. Patrick School fosters feelings of civility and respect as citizens of this country.
Our curriculum includes subjects like: Lengua Española, Sociales and Cívica, which are official subjects required by the Dominican Republic board of education, (Ministerio de Educación), along with other subjects that enrich the students’ academic development.
We consider that a high quality educational program should be oriented towards strengthening the different skills each student displays, including all aspects of their personal development. Our school has high regards for ethnicity in the Dominican Republic and advocates for an academic program with American Type College level courses. This not only offers essential academic training but integrates principles which include the commitment to function like a responsible member of a civil community. Our modern, efficient educational program promotes intellectual, physical, socio-emotional and ethical development in each and every one of our students through constructivist and multi-sensorial educational methods.
St. Patrick School’s basic principles, Integrity, Loyalty and Commitment, are promoted on a daily basis through the actions of its members, starting with the Administrative staff, the Academic staff, the students and their families.